Notify Users Easily
Want to notify your users about your success case studies? Or have you launched another service and want to spread the word around? Did you know you can do all of this using browser push notifications? Yes, you can update your users about your new website updates, or about your new product launch or about your new success story. Anything about which you want to notify your users, is possible with Convertifier.
Push | ||
Open Rate | 19.63% | 85% |
Opt-out Rates | 0.45% | 0.17% |
Click Through Rates | 2.37% | 30% |
Conversion Rate | 1.3% | 6.2% |

Predefined Segments
Classify your users based on various micro-segments!You have the option to choose whether you want to send the push notification to all the users or just a specific set of users. Using our predefined segments you can understand who are your ‘Loyalist’ visitors and who are your ‘Potential loyalist’ visitors. Other categories of the users are as follows:
- Need attention
- On-off customers
- New customers
- Potential buyers

Real Time Analytics
Check the data in real time!We provide you the real time analytics data of your subscribers, campaigns and also revenue, if you have any products. The subscriber analysis talks about the growth of the subscribers day after day and also tells you about the devices and browsers being used and the delivered, click through and conversion rate on them. Also, location which plays a crucial role in taking decisions is one of the key metrics in our subscriber analysis section.